Friday, December 6, 2013

Pastel Ornaments

This week we worked on Pastel Ornaments with a Christmas message incorporated into their design.  We looked at photos of ornaments and noticed shiny/dull and how they look different.
The kids created 3 thumbnail drawing ideas and then chose the one they wanted to develop.

 Next they sketched it on colored mi-teintes paper with white charcoal pencil.  Everyone needed to include a border a word and at least one ornament

Every ornament needed at least 4 different pastels.

They did a lovely job creating balanced compositions and great use of color and value.

We also talked about hard and soft edges

ok here goes with my first post!  Last week many of my students worked on an Eli Halpin inspired project




We started with a step by step contour drawing, then traced it with either a black or brown marker.  Next we took water/brush and began to wet the marker creating some shading and also adding black/brown watercolor with touches of blue or purple.  We also blotted the watercolors to create elephant skin texture.  Backgrounds were filled in with two coats of acrylic paint.  We left the trunks until the end and colored them in with markers then created patterns with sharpies and gel pens.