Friday, February 14, 2014

Jim Dine inspired mixed medium Heart Art

First we looked at and discussed Jim Dine's heart paintings, noticing colors in terms of temperature and value.  Noticing that mixed colors are much more interesting.
We started with a stencil and black acrylic paint
Next we covered it with gesso and drew in our hearts, marking off a grid for the background. We experimented with mixing watercolors in each square.

Next we colored some used oil pastels to color in the hearts, layering the colors to reveal changes in value making our hearts appear 3-D

Then we took our original stencil and scraffito'ed some of the pattern into our heart.

Then we outlined with black and blended it down letting the black be thicker on the shadowed side of the heart

Some of us used colored pencil with our stencil and then watercolored the heart using charcoal blended in for our darker value and out line

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